Who Are The 7 Archangels Names & Meanings
Jennifer Clark gives us the 101 on who are the archangels and how they can help us. As the world is going through a lot of change and unrest especially on the geo political level, the archangels are showing up more and more. More humans are waking up to the mystical and magic of the world, the invisible world of feelings, visions, hearing voices, dreams, books, movies, songs, anything repeated, animal totems, pennies from heaven, dimes, and numbers. These are all signs that universe starts talking with us espcailly when we start looking at the big challenges of humanity.
Angel 101 Overview: Who Are the Angels? What Are the Angels?
Angels are sentient beings from source energy They are pure source, pure light. Everything comes from source. . In the polarity shift of light and dark we were given choice. Your vibration, your intention, your heart centre will attract you to others of the same mindset. Angels only have divine will. They do not have free choice.
7 major Archangels
The archangels tend to work on larger issues, concepts and problems. Source energy is white and out of that come all the 7 main colour rays of the rainbow.
“Help” is the shortest prayer to get the archangels but you can call them by name. Start to have a relationship with any divine spiritual being so that you will know them and how to interact with them to help you evolve, serve and grow.
- Archangel Michael: Blue Ray – is the will, power and protection. The protection archangel.
- Archangel Raphael: Emerald Green Ray – the healer, devotion, heart, forgiveness and peace. Divine compliment of Mother Mary.
- Archangel Gabriel: Indigo Ray – messenger, divine direction, the resurrection, a negative to a positive, lack to something whole or full.. healing energy
- Archangel Jophiel: Yellow Ray – illumination, ideas and light. Big yellow flame. Third eye work, creative juice, illuminating the darkness
- Archangel Uriel: White Ray – vision, conception, science, truth and clarity, illumination overlap. Collaborates s a lot with holy spirit.
- Archangel Zadkiel: Purple Violet Ray – transmutation. Works with magicians, alchemists, shamans and wizards. Change and transformation.
- Archangel Chamuel: Pink Ray – Love. If you do not know what it feels like, you cannot create it. You can ask this angel to bring you examples of what love feels like, self care, grateful for the basic things you do have, nature, fellow human being, romantic love, sexual love. “Please show me what love feels like”.
The archangels shine the seven rays of the rainbow. Under the 7 rays, you get different hierarchies of divine mystical being according to the metaphysical mystery school communities.
The sacred 7 is a very powerful team to work with. Develop a relationship with them through a consistent meditation practice. Make them your friends. See the short guided meditation Jennifer did with the archangels.
To work with Jennifer go here JenniferClark.ca
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