The Divorce Recovery Show With Diane Valiquette
In this episode of the Divorce Recovery Show With Diane Valiquette, Diane goes into the next steps after the separation and how to live it well.
Diane goes into how the relationship breaks down and uses a chart of the different parts of the healthy blueprint vs the unhealthy one where we ignore the signs of red flags that tell us things are off. We do this to maintain the relationship as it connects with a very early learned behaviour.
Essentially we need to relearn how to accept ourselves and live from there where we love ourselves and improve our ways of communicating how and what we need without playing a role of hero, victim, villain. By standing in our own power and making choices and decisions from there, we can then allow and invite another to enter into relationship with us without betraying ourselves or the other.
Finding out what your need to feel loved as a kid, then that will help you understand what it is you need in any relationship you are in including the relationship you have with yourself. When you can communicate this without attacking or hiding or projecting or shutting down, then this keeps the lines of communication open.
If you do not or cannot get what you ask for in a respectful, intimate manner, then you will know that that this relationship is not a supporting one.
Find out more by attending one of the Diane’s course on Rebuilding. Call here for next session (613) 837-9025.