Happiness On The Hill Meditation Mondays With Catherine Hull
Today we have two angel healers and energy workers from the city of Ottawa on together. Catherine Hull is one of the co-founders of Mondays Happiness On The Hill, mindfulness meditations that will happen every Monday from May 28-Aug 27 on Parliament Hill. The movement to help citizens of Ottawa become a little happier and less stressed.
One of the great things that are happening in the city as more people are become aware of the spiritual side of life contributing to our sense of well being. What a great city we have the privilege of living in. We now have meditation, yoga, zumba and maybe a few other activities on the hill throughout the summer months.
Catherine Hull is a corporate wellness coach. Find out more at Self Care Empowerment . She helps others bring more ease and joy into their lives with better self-care and healing tools and coaching. Be sure to visit the hill on Mondays and enjoy a bit of happiness with hundreds of others in the city.